A downloadable game

It is not possible to try the prototype.
This the video on my LinkedIn:

The game is designed for smartphones, targeting children at the age of learning the alphabet. It caters to kids in the French educational system, who are required to learn not only block letters but also cursive handwriting.

One child can play at a time. At the start of each session, the instructions will specify a letter to be identified: any cat that features this letter in any form should be swiped to the right, while cats with other letters should be swiped to the left. Twenty cats will appear on the screen and must be sorted correctly; otherwise, the player receives a warning with a cat skull icon. The game is lost after the third skull appears. The player earns a star for a specific letter after successfully sorting all 20 cats.

This game was created during a 2-week game design course at the vocational school Changemaker Education, where I studied UX design for 2 years. Teacher: Erik Olsson, I worked alone on this project.
The prototype was developed using ProtoPie, with graphics sourced from vecteezy.com




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